Project Name: Implementation Social Accountability  framework                                                                                                                                                                         Project Number: KHM218                                                                                                                                                                          DonorName: EU                                                                         Donorcode:ECA3G                                                                                                                                                                                                    Fund Code: KH35759

Context and Rational

In order to improve voice and accountability in sub-national democratic development and public services and functions, the Strategic Framework for Social Accountability (SAF) and a three year Plan for Implementation of the Strategic Framework (I-SAF), 2015-2017, were designed through a highly consultative process between development partners, civil society and the Secretariat of the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development (NCDDS). The Strategic Framework was approved by the Royal Government on 11 July 2013 and the Three Year Implementation Plan, 2015-2017, was endorsed in a joint meeting of government and civil society in June 2013. The Strategic Framework and the Implementation Plan for Social Accountability have been fully incorporated into the second Implementation Plan (IP3-II) of the National Program for sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD).

Social accountability is the process of constructive engagement between citizens and Sub-National Administrations and is an integral element of governance arrangements through which public decision-making and action takes place. It includes all those activities in which citizens and their representatives can advocate for their interests (voice) and check the performance of sub-national councils, administrative officials, and service providers as they make, implement and enforce public decisions relating to rights, regulations, local investment/resources and service delivery. It includes actions by civil society, the media, government and other social actors.

The CARE-EU has issued this call for the implementation of the ISAF March 18 2016/5h00pm. The object of this call addresses the demand side of governance, which provides support to civil society to promote political and social accountability at the sub-national levels . On the demand side, All four sub-components are interlinked through their shared objectives of democratic decentralisation articulated in the SNDD and its Three Year Implementation Plans (IP3). IP3-II places a strong emphasis on participation of civil society, which ensures that CSOs and national NGOs are the main implementers of the Social Accountability Framework.

This Action: The implementing local NGOs will assist citizens of communities to be more aware, responsive, and capable of holding local governments accountable. Specific focus will be on women, youth, and ethnic minorities, as well as local service providers and government departments. Consultations have been held with NGO/CBO partners, local departments of education and health, commune councils, and other services providers. CARE’s ongoing community work in  Mondulkiri to promote social accountability.

The overall objective for this Action is to “reduce poverty through democratic, inclusive and equitable local governance and more accessible and equitable public service delivery.”

The specific objective is to enhance the performance, responsiveness and accountability of local government and service providers (specifically communes, health centres and primary schools) in selected districts through improved access to local information, open budgets and citizen-led monitoring, with a specific focus on the engagement and impacts for women, youth, and ethnic minorities.


Component 1: Enhanced access to Information and Budgets

SR1 – Transparency of local public services (primary schools, health centres and communes) is improved.  SR2 – Citizens are better informed about government standards, budgets and performance.

Component 2: Strengthened citizen-led monitoring

SR3 – Local officials and service providers are better informed about priorities and concerns of citizens’ (including women, youth, and ethnic minorities) regarding governance and public services. SR4 – Local officials, service providers and citizens (including women, youth and ethnic minorities) collectively agree in interface meetings a Joint Accountability Action Plan to improve local service delivery.

Component 3: Strengthened capacities of local NGO partners, CBOs, Community Accountability Facilitators through Facilitation and Capacity Building

SR6 – The capacity of citizens (including women, youth, and ethnic minorities) to productively engage government in improving services and enhancing accountability is enhanced. SR7 – Community accountability facilitators are willing and able to lead accountability-related outreach and monitoring processes at village/commune level.

Component 4: Contribute to improve government policies, guidelines and practices through enhanced learning, feedback and monitoring

SR8 – Government has been encouraged to make changes to the policies, guidelines and/or practices of state and non-state actors as a result of learning from ISAF M&E.

The Purpose of the TOR

 The Fully Implementing LNGOs will full implementation social accountabilities at selected target provinces, districts and communes, primary schools and health facilities and collaboration with local authorities and communities as stated in each components.

Responsibility: The assignment will include the following process LNGOs provides overall coordination to implementing the four components descript below;


  • Build staff capacity of CAFs and  organize an inception meeting with key stakeholders in each commune
  • Select, mobilize, train and mentor Community Accountability Facilitators (with an emphasis on women and youth) are selected and mobilized                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ACCESS TO INFORMATION AND OPEN BUDGETS
  • Obtain, review and validate I4C packs
  • Build capacity of CAFs and selected local officials and service providers regarding access to information, I4Cs and open budgets.
  • Raise citizen awareness and understanding of I4Cs and enhance budget literacy.                                         CITIZEN MONITORING
  1. Build capacity of CAFs and selected local officials and service providers regarding citizen monitoring, JAAPs and collective action.
  2. Conduct initial preparation and ground work for the citizen monitoring process.
  3. Conduct service provider self-assessment meetings.
  4. Conduct community scorecard meetings.
  5. Conduct interface meetings to agree a multi-sector
  6. Joint Accountability Action Plan (JAAP)
  7. Support and monitor the implementation of the JAAP.                                                                                                   LEARNING AND MONITORING
  • Process documentation, monitoring of results and impact evaluations are carried out.
  • Feed back and learning forums are held regularly
  • This Action builds capacity of the citizens in communities to engage in the “demand side” of the implementation of the Social Accountability Framework.

Harmonization with the Social Accountability Framework:

  • The implementing LNGOs in line with the Sub-National Democratic Development (SNDD) reform body the Action implements the demand side of the implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) in Mondulkiri, Cambodia.

Cooperation with Government:

  • The implementing LNGOs in order to promote parallel progress under the demand and supply side during the implementation of the SAF, by coordination with the capacity building LNGOs and other CSOs.
  • The implementing LNGOs to built trustworthy and constructive relations with provincial, district and commune council level, health operational district, health centers, Primary Schools, authorities in Mondulkiri and was able to foster innovative solutions to locally experienced problems.