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Since May 2016, with the financial support of :
Project goal:
For all children to have equitable access to quality education in schools which are well managed and accountable for developing child friendly models that focus on effectiveness of teaching and learning, especially early grade teaching and learning, inclusiveness, and local engagement.
The project’s purpose is to develop Child Friendly School models (CFS, a model created by UNICEF) that strive for excellence in several dimensions including educational quality, inclusiveness, and local stakeholder (parents, community-SSCs, and local authorities) engagement. The project further envisions 3 supporting objectives:
- To increase access to education to ensure that all school aged children have access to target schools;
- To improve effectiveness of teaching and learning through CFS implementation and capacity building to key stakeholders include DTMT, school directors, teachers, and SSCs in order to respond to the needs of children learning, especially students with additional learning needs); and
- To improve children’s reading performance in early grades 1-3.
Since May 2016, KAFDOC successfully helped 10 Cambodian primary state schools with :
Involving stakeholders in implementation and monitoring the project: KAFDOC ensured that the success of each schools should be led directly b
y local stakeholders. These stakeholders include local working groups at school and community level as well as local government partners at district and provincial levels. Allowing stakeholders to lead development in this way will promote ownership and local empowerment. to achieve this, regular meetings are held by KAFDOC in each schools to cover many subjects : encourage teachers and school directors, provide technical support on teaching methodologies, alert on school maintenance and health issues, and much more!
- Trainings : KAFDOC regularly provides trainings to the school’s councelling team to help them in their daily duties. These trainings include school leadership and management (especially on classroom observation, constructive feedback, and inspection), on technical teaching skills (toolkits, see below), and also train parents to involve them in their children’s school.
Distribution of M-learning and Reading Toolkits (see picture aside) : M-learning are a attractive software that allows Cambodian children to practice and learn on their phones/tablets w
hen they want, while their parents are busy working. They consist in learning games that track student learning electronically to facilitate follow-up by teachers, literacy coaches, or parents. The project will also make available Reading Toolkit materials for libraries and classrooms. These include a wide range of materials such as flashcards, letter stamps, reading games, magnetic letters, and letter puzzles. The toolkits are housed in specially designed boxes to promote easy access and organization.
Library enhancement : Each school have now a library allowing children to read and borrow books and read at home. It is managed by the school librarian.
Playground implementation: Many colorful playgrounds were installed using recycled materials to make sure children enjoy themselves and want to come back to school.
Promoting Parental Engagement: to inform parents about new efforts to improve children’s reading and the importance of cooperation between schools and community in literacy education.